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Oyster Card Top Up by Coin?

The last time I was in London was in early 2019, and at that time you could add money onto your Oyster Card at the ticket machines at Tube stations either in specified increments (ex 5 GBP) or by putting in assorted coins. Does anyone know if you have the assorted coin option? I'm headed back in May, and I found it a good way to off load loose small change from my wallet.

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8775 posts

Or if a pound coin could drop in any museum or church donation box.

Now clue if you can top up your Oyster Card with coinage. Hopefully when our British friends wake up tomorrow some kind will answer.

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3179 posts

I topped mine up at Heathrow when I landed there in December, but I’m sure I only saw a card option, not coins or notes.
I ended up, when I left, donating all my coins in of those big bins at the airport for all kinds of currency that goes to charity.

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6260 posts

Most major stations at least in Zone 1 DO have some (not all) machines which take cash, and they are clearly signed as such.

However few visitors are aware of TfL Oyster ticket stops- local retailers who do Oyster top ups. They accept cash, and are widely used by Londoners- especially those who don't have bank accounts.
Some locals can't always afford £5 at a time minimum machine top up- at a ticket stop you can add as little as 50 pence.
Rather like buying a ticket from the tabac as you do in some European countries.