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GAS tour early Sept

I have been looking for info on what to pack for the Germany Austria Switzerland tour. They show weather that I am guessing is an average for each stop. I was thinking very warm like at home that time of year. Is it never hot in those areas? Am I crazy to bring a dress for dinner and sandals? I want to pack light but want to have options. Thank you!

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2354 posts

It could be hot, but you won’t know until closer to that time. I live in the mountains and the weather gets chilly in September. That lovely crisp fall air!

I always bring sandals and a dress. Especially if you do a ton of walking (very likely) during the day, your feet will appreciate a break in the evening. I bring a lightweight dress that can be washed in the sink and dries overnight. But don’t expect to have to “dress up” for dinner. Especially in areas where hiking is common, places are very casual.

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1841 posts

Where’s home and what would you consider hot?

I took the tour several years ago mid to late May. I like temps in the cooler range. Munich and Vienna were warm even at night. Left the windows open overnight.

E joy the tour!

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28 posts

I live in Ohio and I consider hot 75 and above, guessing humidity isn’t a thing there?

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90 posts

We took this tour at the end of August-early September a few years ago.
We had literally every kind of weather. Warm and sunny in Munich and Salzburg (75-80 degrees?), chilly and rainy on some days, and snow at the top of the Schilthorn the day we went up.
Pack lots of layers, a rain shell, and maybe even light gloves.
Enjoy this wonderful tour!