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Spanish Pyrenees: Refugio Respomuso (+ a favor!)

Has anyone stayed at Refugio Respomuso, near Panticosa? I've been trying to book beds there for September, but I'm unable to select any dates on the website or even toggle to other months (

I've emailed them and messaged on Instagram, but have not heard back. I also emailed the website owner, to no avail.

Does anyone know if this is just an issue of me trying to book too early? (I had the same technical issue with a French hut, but they responded to my email last month and got me booked.)

And could someone see if they are able to select dates on the website just so I can see if it's just an issue on my end?

Thank you!

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542 posts

Hi Cronmoax, never been to Panticosa, but I can say that I am able to book up to four night at a time.

There might be a problem trying to book from the States.

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30 posts

Oh! That's so strange. I wonder why the site isn't available worldwide.

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1293 posts

I have never been there either, but I have had trouble booking tickets in Spain. In 2022, I was trying to get passes to hike El Torreon in Andalusia and never could get a response. We went in person when we got there. It was then I learned that they don't accept messages from certain e-mail addresses. (Hotmail was one, I think Yahoo was another). They don't open them at all. I know gmail was not on the list, so I try to use my gmail account now when booking. I don't know if this will help you or not.

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6721 posts

From my tablet I wasn’t even able to select a date. It just said disponible (available) on the dates I tried to click on.

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30 posts


Yeah, that's my experience.

I've reached out to a friend in Denmark to see if she can make the rez for me.

If not, I'll have to buy a VPN for a month and hope that annoying. It's 2-0-2-4.

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30 posts

For those encountering this issue in the future, for any huts listed on ...the solution is to set your timezone to somewhere in Europe. It's really silly, but that's what worked for me. I discovered this after purchasing a month of VPN service. It's the timezone that's preventing non-Euro based people from booking.