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Dublin airport to Heuston station

What is the best way to get to Heuston station from Dublin airport. How much time does it take?

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15541 posts

The "best" way is by private car or taxi.

If you are looking for something less expensive, the Dublin Express bus #782 goes from the Airport to Heuston station. It takes between 35 and 40 minutes depending on the time of day.

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2872 posts

For the convenience of the door to door service, especially when horsing luggage around, you really can't beat a taxi. Takes about 30 minutes or thereabouts
For 2 or more people it would be a cost-effective alternative to the bus.

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10 posts

If you're traveling solo & have 1 small luggage & a personal item, the airport bus as previously posted, is the most cost effective, although it takes a bit longer than a taxi. Plus side is you get to see parts of Dublin.
If there's 2 people then you might consider a taxi for convenience. I've generally had good experiences with taxi drivers except the last time I took a taxi from the airport I noticed he took the long way to Heuston station & charged 50 Euros instead of 40 Euros that I've paid other times. I suggest telling the taxi driver that you want a quick, least expensive way to Heuston station.