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We are going to Ireland and I have begun to use a CPAP machine. I was wondering what is the best adaptor/transducer type plug to use to accommodate my US machine?
Thank you

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6823 posts

What Liz said...😊

ETA: You may know this, also, but you do not need distilled water for your CPAP while traveling. There are always those who ask where to find distilled water in Europe, but there is no need to buy it. All distilled water does is keep the chemicals out. It's easy to just wipe it down every few days to remove any residue.

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579 posts

If you will be staying in B&Bs, inns, guesthouses that might be older buildings, I recommend you take an extension cord. Sometimes there are limited outlets bedside or the nearest outlet may be not be close enough. We’ve been traveling with a CPAP for 23 years.

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2480 posts

What Mardee said 😁
I don't use distilled water, either. In fact, I don't use the humidifier at all while traveling. It's for comfort, not therapeutic. My doctor agrees, and you can test at home to see if it's comfortable for you.

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336 posts

I’ll second bringing an extension cord and also you don’t need the humidifier Try a heat moisture exchanger it’s small fits between the hose and the mask It’s not as good as the humidifier but good enough for travel

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2480 posts

Both of the machines I have had can be used without the water chamber attached, meaning the machine is much smaller, which is a big plus for travel.
I usually thrown a couple of the moisture exchangers mentioned above in my bag in case I feel particularly dry, but rarely use them.

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11 posts

This is an add on question - We both use CPAPs but I don’t think ours can be used without the humidifier attachment. My husband’s concern is with the possibility of well water. I suspect if we stay at higher end hotels that won’t be an issue, but we haven’t gotten to that point yet. Our current plans are to follow Rick’s recommended plan through England, Wales and Scotland for about 3 weeks starting at the beginning of May. We will mostly be staying in London, Bath, Liverpool, Glasgow and Edinburg - so the larger cities and not small towns. Will we be ok without having to lug around distilled water?

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6823 posts

We both use CPAPs but I don’t think ours can be used without the humidifier attachment. My husband’s concern is with the possibility of well water.

Well water is fine to use in a CPAP, as is any tap water. As I said, you might have to wipe out some residue every few days, but it’s perfectly safe. And I speak from experience. Where I live, we have well water, and although I usually use distilled water, occasionally I run out and I wind up using well water. I’ve never had any problem.