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Ferry location Bingen to Rudesheim

I am trying to locate the ferry terminal to cross the Rhine here- when I play around on google I get a couple of different options on both sides.

The Brucke 8 is right in town, is that were the passenger ferry goes? Then if I want to catch the KD ferry upstream, where does that one leave from?


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6929 posts

The site indicates (in German) that passenger ferry service is being carried out using the cruise boats for the forseeable future.

The 2024 schedule at the site indicates that Brücke 4 and Brücke 5 in Bingen are in play.

Bingen also has an auto ferry that allows passengers. The map linked to in the previous post shows the location of the Bingen AUTO ferry, which is kinda far out.

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6929 posts

Forget the auto ferry. Forget the K-D cruise boats.

You posted the Bingen-Rüdesheimer passenger ferry link in the original post. The Bingen-Rüdesheimer company operates the ferries that connect Bingen and Rüdesheim. There have traditionally been TWO B-R ferries:

  • a foot-passenger-only ferry that is close in by the cruise boat docks
  • an auto ferry that also accepts foot passengers, which is further upstream and far from everything else

The B-R site says that their foot-passenger-only ferry is not running. However, B-R also has multiple day cruise boats for different types of cruises which dock in Bingen and Rüdesheim. So for foot passengers like you who want to cross from Bingen to R'heim and back, B-R is offering their day cruise boats. You pay the same fare you would for the ferry crossing, but you board one of the B-R day cruise boats instead. The day cruise boats which are available to take you across and back are on the B-R passenger ferry schedule... Click on the link provided in your original post. Then click on Fahrplan 2024 just below the calendar and clock symbols. The pop-up timetable shows an "ab Bingen" column (from Bingen) and an "ab Rüdesheim" column (from Rüdesheim.) The times you see there are the times when the day cruise boats will dock to pick up passengers on the Bingen waterfront (Brücke 4-5)

The auto ferry positioned further upstream has its own schedule on a different page...

Click on Fahrplan 2024 at this page if that distant crossing point matters.


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106 posts

other than the cable car- is there really anything worthwhile to cross the river form Bingen? just thinking about how to allocate time

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6929 posts

Rüdesheim is a nice town for strolling and looking around if it turns out your time is short. Narrow streets, cobblestones, attractive shops. I don't know/remember off hand what other plans you might already have in place for this day. Have a look at the sites below to see what interests you most and whether there's time for it.

Siegried's is pretty cool. It's on this next page with some other museums.

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106 posts

Russ - for that day- at first I was thinking Bacharach, then Bingen, then cruise back to Boppard on the paddle wheeler.

Now thinking I might put Bacharach on a different day - so likely train from Boppard to Bingen, and bsaed on time/desires, take the KD ferry home from either Bingen to Rudesheim