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Checks at German borders during the European Football Championship (June & July 2024)

Travelers planning to cross the border to/from Germany (including within Schengen) in June and July 2024 should bear in mind that Germany will carry out border controls on all means of transport.

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has announced controls at all German borders during the European Football Championships. "We will carry out temporary border controls at all German borders during the tournament in order to prevent possible perpetrators of violence from entering the country," Faeser told the Düsseldorfer Rheinische Post. "This is necessary to provide the best possible protection for this major international event."

The European Men's Football Championship will take place in Germany from mid-June to mid-July. Faeser had already announced an expansion of border controls in February, as is usual for such major events.

Due to the migration situation, there are currently stationary border controls with the neighboring countries of Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria and Switzerland. For her, the security of the European Football Championships has "top priority", emphasized the Interior Minister. The focus is on protection against Islamists and other extremists, hooligans and other violent criminals, as well as network security against cyber attacks.

Source translated with DeepL.

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5035 posts

Not surprising, in light of recent events in Russia.

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1957 posts

Not that it makes a difference. The "perpetrators of violence" know how to bypass the border checks, and for us mere mortals it is just another inconvenience, staged for the benefit of a politician...