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Using Travel Videos to decide where to go next.

It took me a few years to realize it, but an awful lot of my decisions have been based on what I saw in travel videos. There are literally thousands of them, but the problem is that most of them are really, really pooly done. I do best with the ones made by the national tourist organizations. But there are some good less professional ones too.

So, how about contributions of those that the RS crowd have found useful, accurate and well done.

I will kick it off with one series that I think is very well done. I discovered it when looking for a good video on Budapest to share (and its the best there is on that count), but I discovered the others he has done and they are all excellent.

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158 posts

Thank you!
Those videos look great. For those of you who speak ( or understand) Spanish ( probably not many here, right? Ups ), there is this Mexican guy who make very good quality videos about traveling to several parts of the world .
You can find him under the name “Alan por el mundo” in his YouTube channel.

When in pandemic I watched several of his videos . It was because of him I started to feel interest about Poland and wow! So glad I went ( helped by a lot of you, Rick Steves’ forum users )

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153 posts

So, how about contributions of those that the RS crowd have found useful, accurate and well done.

I watch YouTube quite a bit for a variety of hobbies/interests. Some overlap pretty well. Cycling with travel is full of beautiful places to visit and RVing with travel often shows (for the US) where to stay and what to do there. But for mostly/solely travel, I have started adding some to my YT subscriptions and while not all are useful or always what I am interested in, here are a couple I like:

Away Together and The Tour Guy <- general Europe

Emma Cruises and Tips for Travelers <-mostly cruising specific but with port tours, etc..

Spain Revealed and Patrick Guide Barcelona <- Spain specific

I probably have more in my list to cull through, but a LOT are bike-specific so not as good at "details" vs "cool scenery" or "epic ride". :D

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83 posts

I love the Memory Seekers! Their travel guides focus mainly on the UK, but there are some on European cities as well. They are well researched, informative and such a pleasure to see and hear. The quality is similar to something you might see on BBC or PBS, in my opinion.

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649 posts

Like CJ I've enjoyed Wolters World and Honest Guide as well as Real Prauge Guide.

I don't select places to visit from what I've watched in videos but once I've determined where I want to visit I do seek out and watch videos about those locations put out by both locals and travelers. I often enjoy the less polished and often amateur videos.

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2430 posts

We have been watching the Somewhere on Earth series on YouTube. These videos give interesting insight into the lives of people around the world. These are not pretty travelogues but a deeper dive into different world cultures.

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649 posts

Another channel I enjoy is "Jago Hazzard". A channel described as "loosely focused on London, trains & history".

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2484 posts

When I was a youngster, at the bright age of 18, I sailed out of Vancouver headed for Australia, maybe even with some thoughts of possibly emigrating. That trip came about by pouring over National Geographic and Life magazine photos.

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1214 posts

I get my travel inspirations from movies.

I get (some of) my travel information from youtube.

I get my final travel preparation with street-view in google maps.