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Where to quarantine if test positive for COVID day before flight home?

I've seen lots of questions about travel insurance to cover hotel/food costs if you have to extend your trip and quarantine due to a positive COVID test. But my bigger concern is where to stay during the quarantine. Trip insurance may cover costs, but it won't find you a hotel room!

I'm stressing about the need to find a place to stay on short notice in the event I test positive (or anyone I'm travelling with tests positive). I'll be in Milan and scheduled to return to the US on June 3rd which is a holiday weekend in Italy. My hotel doesn't have any availability. Has anyone found themselves in this unfortunate situation?

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2768 posts

I have not had this but it’s something everyone traveling now should consider. My main advice is to get familiar with multiple booking sights for hotels and apartments. Maybe even bookmark places you like that currently have availability. They might not by the time you hypothetically need it, but it’s a start. I’d suggest as well as vrbo and Airbnb and the other hotel sights like TripAdvisor Priceline and basically anything else you can think of.
Also smart to research neighborhoods in your departure city. Where is a nice area with less tourists, still urban/suburban or big town to have food delivery options and medical care if needed. Maybe hotels in the center are booked but there’s a nice neighborhood a mile out of the center with more options.

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895 posts

You need to know what the quarantine rules if any there are where you'll be testing. Some countries like France and Spain you don't have to isolate but do need to be careful, socially distance, wear a mask. In that case you at least have the flexibility to buy groceries, enjoy outdoor time, etc. In addition to finding reasonably priced accommodations, you might want to find a place near a market, with a park, near outdoor sights to see. Also somewhere with laundry facilities or near one.

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8455 posts

You can increase your odds of having a little more notice by doing a home test yourself a day or two prior to the "official travel test." If you are negative 2 days before your trip, there is a good chance (no promises) that you will also be negative the day before you travel. If you are positive 2 days before your scheduled travel, well , you have bought yourself some time to work on these sort of arrangements.

I just went to and did a search for Milan for June 3-June 8th. 391 properties showed up. Now, some of those will disappear between now and then, but I am confident that there will still be someplace you can go.

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2345 posts

I agree with the suggestion to research some areas and hotels and bookmark them as potential spots to quarantine. I’d be looking for a place that isn’t too remote, so you can have food delivered. Sometimes the airports are a ways out, so that area might not be ideal.

Also, keep in mind that if you DO test positive you might also be symptomatic. AKA feeling like you've been run over by a truck, and potentially for a week or so. You will want access to grocery delivery. A space with a balcony would be good for fresh air. A mini fridge to store some drinks.

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531 posts

This is a very helpful thread! I have added to my packing list to bring one or two covid tests with me (unless expired) on my September tour and bookmark some Airbnbs ahead of time.

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4 posts

I appreciate all the replies to my original question and did some research on, as suggested. I noted several hotels that would be in my price range and they appear to be in a good location although outside the city center. Keeping my fingers crossed that I won't need to book one but I feel better about having a list of options.

I'll be so glad when we are these test requirements are lifted and we no longer have to be concerned with the possibility of delayed departures.

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166 posts

Since you specifically mention Italy, keep in mind some of the places you are looking at as your "backup" may not accept COVID positive guests.

The hotel I booked in Florence specifically said in its terms and conditions of booking that the hotel cannot be used to quarantine for COVID. I sent them a message just to confirm and clarify their policy. They told me indeed that if I tested positive I would have to go to one of the government run COVID hotels to isolate.

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2 posts

My spouse tested positive while in Venice . They sent us to a Covid Hotel in Mestre, about 15 minutes away. Early in the pandemic, Italy set up some hotels with floors only for Covid positive people (and their spouses if they choose to risk infection). Meals are provided (hospital quality but not like the US). Quarantine for 7 days, they test you and if you are still positive, test again in 3 days. We are awaiting the 2nd test as it is normal to still be positive after 7 days. As RS suggested, we brought medicine along (mucinex, Tylenol, throat lozenges, etc). Italy doesn’t have the same medication readily available . Even masking the entire time, we were still vulnerable. Good luck all.

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4 posts

I hadn't heard of gov't run COVID hotels in Italy, but this is very good info to have.

@tklalk - I have a few questions. When your husband was sent to a COVID hotel in Venice, was the lodging and food paid for by the government? Were you able to stay with him if you wanted to? How long ago was this?


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2 posts

This is happening now. Next test is Tuesday (day 10 in quarantine). They told me I could stay on the tour or join him, of course I stayed with him. We stayed in the same room, wore masks and stayed as far apart as possible in a hotel room with windows open constantly.. Meals are included. The hotel doesn’t charge you anything. The Italian health dept provides the testing, and they are your ticket out w a negative test or documentation of recovery . They will send us a statement for the hotel and daily meals, which we will turn into the trip insurance people. Hopefully we won’t lose much. We were 6 days into our trip when this happened. Our tour guide and hotel were helpful in finding the Covid hotel.

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4 posts


Thanks for the additional details.

Sorry you've had to go through this. Hopefully you're husband is recovering well and you stay healthy!

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162 posts

Concerning Jill's comment about packing at home tests to use a few days prior to the day of departure back to the US... The FDA web pages have a chart listing various at-home tests, providing information including extended/updated expiration dates or shelf life if the test kits have been kept at room temperature - between 68 and 86 degrees. Many are extended by 3 months. How cold does it get in the jet cargo/checked luggage hold? I'll need to research that. Maybe I'll keep them in my carry-on.

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531 posts

I never check luggage to Europe, so I will carry 1-2 proctored tests with me in my handy dandy giant Rick Steves backpack 😁